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Aug 30, 2017

We Got Issues Episode 22: No Name, Blag and Heather discuss a mom who wants to celebrate mothers day even though she is not a mom, how to pay less in taxes, and how young is to young to wear a bikini.

Aug 23, 2017

We Got Issues Episode 21: No Name, Blag and Heather discuss hair pulling during sex, stealing fruit, and a father and son goth relationship.

Aug 16, 2017

We Got Issues Episode 20: No Name, Blag and Heather dish on a dating site dude who is married, a guys girlfriend who works with her ex, what happens when your uninvited guest is your mom, and a guy with some anger issues.

Aug 9, 2017

We Got Issues Episode 19: No Name and Blag dish on the following issues Doggie treat no no, what to do when your boss is a bummer, and dressing up for danger.

Aug 2, 2017

We Got Issues Episode 18: No Name and Blag discuss the following issues: kids breaking things, eBay engagement ring and adults who eat like kids.