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Jan 31, 2018

We Got Issues Episode 44: No Name, Blag and Dayna discuss the following issues: new girlfriend wears her wedding ring, husband is anti wifes desire for a breast reduction, dating a girl whose parents still pay the rent.

Jan 24, 2018

We Got Issues Episode 43: No Name Blag and Dayna dish on the following: a guy who is into candles, a girlfriend who is out of line, and shopping time with your man.

Jan 17, 2018

We Got Issues Episode 42: No Name, Blag and Heather talk on dating an unemployed dude... is it dangerous?.... an annoying phone habit, and meeting your girlfriends ex.

Jan 10, 2018

We Got Issues Episode 41: No Name, Blag and Heather talk about what girls find unattractive, a dude who always sleeps with his shirt on, and is a dog a good birthday gift?

Jan 3, 2018

We Got Issues Episode 40: No Name, Blag and Heather talk about when it is to soon for dirty talk, what men think of women's underwear, and a question about abortions.