Feb 28, 2018
We Got Issues Episode 48: No Name, Blag and Heather shine light on the problems of having your mom as a maid, how to raise self sufficient kids, and emergency ex drama.
Feb 21, 2018
We Got Issues Episode 47: No Name, Blag and Heather discuss no gift policies, pee pee in the shower ... what does it mean, and how to determine an adult allowance.
Feb 14, 2018
We Got Issues Episode 46: No Name, Blag and Heather talka bout fake cooking a meal for your girl, breakin baby news to Grandma, and no last name change.... yet!
Feb 7, 2018
We Got Issues Episode 45: No Name, Blag and Heather drop knowledge on giving cooking "stuff" as a gift, an I Love You diss, and scary movies make her sleep!